kD-Tree Rendering Improvements
@ Sam Skillman | Monday, Sep 27, 2010 | 2 minute read | Update at Monday, Sep 27, 2010

Hi all,

Just sharing a video here that showcases some improvements I’ve made to the kD-tree rendering that will be making its way to yt for the 2.0 release. You can download it render_movie.3gp|here

Just to be clear this is showing the rendering of a cosmology simulation with a 64^3 root grid + 6 AMR levels in real time on 8 processors. The script is run in parallel, with the root processor displaying the results once each frame is finished. The viewpoint is being randomized, showing the power of a kD- tree homogenization that allows a fast back-to-front sorting algorithm for each brick. The big key here is that each processor keeps the data associated with its volume in memory so that a new viewpoint doesn’t require additional file I/O.

To help get an idea of what the load balancing is doing, I figured out a way to plot the outline of the bricks with a color corresponding to each processor. This is using the breadth-first load balancing where the top N subtrees are distributed across the N processors. Some of the colors overlap in an odd way because of the order in which they are shown but you can get the general idea.


There are a few more improvements on the way such as parallel kD-tree construction which should lower the overhead for this method by quite a lot, so keep an eye out!

yt extension modules

yt has many extension packages to help you in your scientific workflow! Check these out, or create your own.


ytini is set of tools and tutorials for using yt as a tool inside the 3D visual effects software Houdini or a data pre-processor externally to Houdini.


Trident is a full-featured tool that projects arbitrary sightlines through astrophysical hydrodynamics simulations for generating mock spectral observations of the IGM and CGM.


pyXSIM is a Python package for simulating X-ray observations from astrophysical sources.


Analyze merger tree data from multiple sources. It’s yt for merger trees!


yt_idv is a package for interactive volume rendering with yt! It provides interactive visualization using OpenGL for datasets loaded in yt. It is written to provide both scripting and interactive access.


widgyts is a jupyter widgets extension for yt, backed by rust/webassembly to allow for browser-based, interactive exploration of data from yt.


yt_astro_analysis is the yt extension package for astrophysical analysis.

Make your own!!

Finally, check out our development docs on writing your own yt extensions!

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the yt data hub

The yt hub at https://girder.hub.yt/ has a ton of resources to check out, whether you have yt installed or not.

The collections host all sorts of data that can be loaded with yt. Some have been used in publications, and others are used as sample frontend data for yt. Maybe there’s data from your simulation software?

The rafts host the yt quickstart notebooks, where you can interact with yt in the browser, without needing to install it locally. Check out some of the other rafts too, like the widgyts release notebooks – a demo of the widgyts yt extension pacakge; or the notebooks from the CCA workshop – a user’s workshop on using yt.

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