I’m pleased to announce the 2012 yt Workshop at the FLASH Center in Chicago, January 24-26.
The workshop will be aimed at both users and developers of yt. We will begin with intensive user training, moving from basic usage to advanced and parallel usage. Users are encouraged to bring their ideas and prototypes for new analysis routines as there will be opportunities to work with more experienced developers. We will then address to how to modify, extend and contribute to yt, and transition to a developers workshop. In the developers portion of the workshop, we will discuss ideas for improvements to the code and then break into groups to implement new features. Users are highly encouraged to stay and participate in development. The FLASH Center has graciously offered to host the workshop. We have identified a hotel in downtown Chicago (near the river, just off Michigan Avenue) that we are able to book double-occupancy rooms for $99/night, pre-tax. We are actively pursuing funding opportunities, but as of yet have not secured funding for participant costs; if we are able to do so, it will likely cover hotel stays for a limited number of individuals willing to share rooms for the four nights of the workshop (Jan. 23-26).
As we prepare hotel reservations, funding applications and other technicalities, we need to get a sense of not only how many people are potentially going to attend, but also their current career stage, funding availability and so on. If you are interested in attending the workshop, we would greatly appreciate it if you would visit the following URL and fill out the Google Form: http://goo.gl/xElrB . If you have already filled it out, no need to do it again!
Once we have the details of the conference settled, further information will be forthcoming regarding registration, accommodations, and possible financial support.
For specific questions regarding the workshop, please email John ZuHone at jzuhone [at] milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov.