.. _general: ########################## General Project Guidelines ########################## Code of Conduct --------------- All members participating in the yt project community, whether that be on github, mailing lists, workshops, or in any other capacity are expected to abide by the `code of conduct `_. If any person feels a member of the yt project community has violated the code of conduct, a report can be made to a project member or sent to confidential@yt-project.org. Reports of CoC violations will be treated with the strictest confidence. Where the Governance Applies ---------------------------- This governance document applies to all repositories hosted within the yt project organization. If a package proposes an alteration to this governance model, it can be further refined in that repository, but must be implemented through the following procedure: * A pull request is made to that repository with a proposed alternative governance model * The pull request is announced in public channels available to the community and must be discussed at the next steering committee meeting. * The alternative model is accepted by more than half of the active members of that repository and at least two executive committee members. Unless specifically stated otherwise this governance document and topics within will apply to all repositories within the organization. Package Licensing ----------------- Licensing projects within the yt project is open for discussion. The core yt package is licensed with BSD-3, but supporting packages may choose alternative licenses depending on the needs of the repository. The community broadly recommends using BSD-3. Conflicts of Interest --------------------- It is expected that the Steering Committee Members will be employed at a wide range of companies, universities and non-profit organizations. Because of this, it is possible that Members will have conflict of interests. Such conflict of interests include, but are not limited to: * Financial interests, such as investments, employment or contracting work, outside of The Project that may influence their work on The Project. * Access to proprietary information of their employer that could potentially leak into their work with the Project. All members of the Steering Committee shall disclose to the rest of the Council any conflict of interest they may have. Members with a conflict of interest in a particular issue may participate in Committee discussions on that issue, but must recuse themselves from voting on the issue.