.. _meetings: Project Meetings ################ All meetings associated with the yt project will be announced publicly to the community through communication channels, including slack, the yt-dev and yt-users mailing lists. Meeting notes will be subsequently posted and announced in the aforementioned channels and in the `project records `_ repository. All are welcome to attend, no matter their level of participation within the project. If part of the meeting requires a closed session, the meeting will adjourn to a closed meeting and notes will be made available at a later time. In all cases, meetings will be open for as long as possible. Steering Committee Meetings --------------------------- Public meetings, optimally including all members of the steering committee, happen at least once a quarter. These meetings are to encourage frank and open discussion about the state of the project. Meetings will happen over video chat to encourage remote participation, and times should be chosen to accomodate international attendees. The meetings invite will be public, and any interested developer or user is welcome to attend. When necessary, steering committee meetings may need to adjourn to a closed session for sensitive discussions. The steering committee email will not be public to ensure that sensitive discussions may be held on that list. However, all non-sensitive items will be reported and documented at subsequent public steering committee meetings. Maintainer Coworking Meetings ----------------------------- Twice monthly, or as required, video chats will be held to ensure timely review of pending maintainence of the project. This may include triaging new issues, reviewing new PRs, or submitting bugfixes together. These meetings will attempt to address all unaddressed maintenance issues, and any outstanding tasks will be discussed and mentioned publicly as a comment on the pull request. Any developer, reviewer, maintainer, user, contributor, potential contributor, or interested party is welcome to attend this meeting. Developers who have open pull requests they would like to see reviewed are particularly encouraged to attend to aid and facilitate discussion about the pull request. Finally, new contributors to the project are especially encouraged to attend.