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How to Install

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C Library – libyt

Go through basic requirements and options and set the dependencies paths. Then compile and install libyt using CMake.

Basic Requirements

  • CMake (>=3.15)
  • GCC compiler (>4.8): Should be able to support c++14.
    • CXX: Path to g++ compiler.
    • CC: Path to gcc compiler.
  • Python (>=3.7):
    • PYTHON_PATH: Python installation prefix, the path should contain folders like include, lib etc.
    • NumPy: Should have NumPy installed.


The options are mutually independent to each other.

  Notes Required Paths Required Python Packages
Parallel Mode (OFF) Compile libyt using MPI. - MPI_PATH - mpi4py
Serial Mode (ON) Compile libyt using GCC.    
Required Paths
  • MPI_PATH: MPI installation prefix, the path should contain folders like include, lib etc.

    :warning: Make sure you are using the same MPI to compile libyt and your simulation code.

Required Python Packages
  • mpi4py: This is Python bindings for the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard.

    :warning: Please make sure mpi4py used in Python and MPI used in simulation are matched. Check how to install mpi4py here.

  Notes Required Paths
Normal Mode (OFF) Shut down and terminate all the processes including simulation, if error occurs during in situ analysis.  
Interactive Mode (ON) Will not terminate the processes if error occurs while doing in situ analysis and supports interactive Python prompt and reloading script. - READLINE_PATH
  • READLINE_PATH: GNU readline library installation prefix, the path should contain folders like include, lib etc.
  Notes Required Paths Required Python Packages
Jupyter Kernel (ON) Activate Jupyter kernel and enable JupyterLab UI. (See Jupyter Notebook Access) - nlohmann_json_DIR
- cppzmq_DIR
- xtl_DIR
- xeus_DIR
- xeus-zmq_DIR
- ZeroMQ_DIR
- jupyter_libyt
- jupyter-client
- (Optional)jedi
Required Paths
  • nlohmann_json_DIR (>=3.2.0, <4.0.0): Path to nlohmann_jsonConfig.cmake after installing nlohmann_json.
  • cppzmq_DIR (>=4.8.1, <5.0.0): Path to cppzmqConfig.cmake after installing cppzmq.
  • xtl_DIR (>=0.7.0, <0.8.0): Path to xtlConfig.cmake after installing xtl.
  • xeus_DIR (>=3.0.0, <4.0.0): Path to xeusConfig.cmake after installing xeus.
  • xeus-zmq_DIR (1.x release): Path to xeus-zmqConfig.cmake after installing xeus-zmq.
  • ZeroMQ_DIR (>=4.2.5, <5.0.0): Path to ZeroMQConfig.cmake after installing ZeroMQ. (Some system may already have ZeroMQ installed, which doesn’t need to provide the path explicitly.)

:information_source: nlohmann_json, cppzmq, xtl, xeus, and ZeroMQ are all xeus-zmq’s dependencies. Check here for how to install xeus-zmq.

Required Python Packages
  • jupyter_libyt: Customized kernel provisioner for libyt Jupyter kernel.
  • jupyter-client (>=8.0.0): Jupyter client.
  • jedi: Support auto-completion in Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab. This is optional. (If you have IPython installed, you might already have this.)
  Notes Required Paths
Time Profiling (ON) Support time profiling. (See Time Profiling)  


  1. Toggle options, set paths and generate files to build the project. This can be done through either (a) or (b):

    (a) Set it through editing CMakeLists.txt at root directory. For example, this uses option -DSERIAL_MODE=OFF and provides MPI_PATH:

    option(SERIAL_MODE "Compile library for serial process" ON)
    set(MPI_PATH "<path-to-mpi-prefix>" CACHE PATH "Path to MPI installation prefix (-DSERIAL_MODE=OFF)")

    (b) Set the options and paths through command line. For example, the flags here are equivalent to the above:

    -DSERIAL_MODE=OFF -DMPI_PATH=<path-to-mpi-prefix>
  2. (Optional) Set the GCC compiler, export the environment variable CC to target gcc compiler and CXX to target g++ compiler before running cmake. For example:
    export CC=/software/gcc/bin/gcc
    export CXX=/software/gcc/bin/g++

    :information_source: It should support c++14.

  3. Generate files for project, <1-(b)> contains the flags in step 1-(b):
    cd libyt # go to the root of the project
    cmake -B <build-dir-name> -S . <1-(b)>
  4. Build the project:
    cmake --build <build-dir-name>
  5. Install the library:
    cmake --install <build-dir-name> --prefix <install-to-dir> 


  • The following builds libyt in serial mode using user designated GCC compiler and then installs the library in /home/user/softwares/libyt:
    cd libyt                                                     # go to project root directory
    export CC=/software/gcc/8.4.0/bin/gcc                        # set gcc compiler
    export CXX=/software/gcc/8.4.0/bin/g++                       # set g++ compiler
    rm -rf build                                                 # clean up previous build
    cmake -B build -S . -DSERIAL_MODE=ON                         # generate files for project
    cmake --build build                                          # build the project
    cmake --install build --prefix /home/user/softwares/libyt    # install
  • The following builds libyt in parallel mode using user designated MPI compiler and then installs the library in /home/user/softwares/libyt:
    cd libyt
    rm -rf build
    cmake -B build -S . -DSERIAL_MODE=OFF -DMPI_PATH=/software/openmpi/4.1.1-gnu
    cmake --build build
    cmake --install build --prefix /home/user/softwares/libyt

Required Python Package

To use yt as the core analytic tool, we need to install yt_libyt, a yt frontend for libyt.



  • Project website:
  • Install from source:
    git clone
    cd yt_libyt
    pip install .
  • Install from PyPI:
    pip install yt-libyt
