Set Local Grids Information
Table of contents
int yt_get_GridsPtr( yt_grid **grids_local );
- Usage: Get the
pointer wherelibyt
access grids information from. We should then fill in those information. - Return:
One yt_grid
contains the hierarchy of the grid, particle counts, and field data in this grid.
double left_edge[3], right_edge[3]
)- Usage: Grid left and right edge in code units.
long id
)- Usage: Grid global id.
- Valid Value: It should be contiguous starting from
long parent_id
)- Usage: Parent grid id.
- Valide Value:
- Should be in between
andnum_grids - 1
. - If the grid does not have parent grid, set to
- Should be in between
int grid_dimensions[3]
)- Usage: Number of cells along each direction in [x][y][z] <–> [0][1][2] order excluding ghost cells.
int level
)- Usage: AMR level of the grid.
- Valid Value:
- We start root level at
, so it should be greater than or equal to0
- We start root level at
Particle Counts
long* par_count_list
(initialized bylibyt
)- Usage: Number of particles in each particle type located in this grid. This
array has length equals to number of particle types. The particle order should be the same as the input inpar_type_list
. - Valid Value: Should be greater than or equal to
- Usage: Number of particles in each particle type located in this grid. This
Field Data and Particle Data
yt_data* field_data
(initialized bylibyt
)- Usage: Store all the field data under this grid. This is a
array with length equals to number of fields.
- Usage: Store all the field data under this grid. This is a
yt_data** particle_data
(initialized bylibyt
)- Usage: Store all the particle data under this grid. Namely,
contains particle type (particle_list[0].par_type
) attribute (particle_list[0].attr_list[1]
) data, whereparticle_list
array set throughyt_get_ParticlesPtr
- Usage: Store all the particle data under this grid. Namely,
- Usage: a struct used for wrapping existing data pointers.
- Data member:
void* data_ptr
: Data pointer. -
int data_dimensions[3]
: Dimension ofdata_ptr
, which is the actual dimension of this pointer. Ifdata_ptr
is a 1-dim array, set the last two elements to 0. (This only happens in particle data, and we aren’t rely on this value to wrap the data.) -
yt_dtype data_dtype
: Data type ofdata_ptr
. We only need to setdata_dtype
when this grid’s data type is different from the one set in fields’.- Valid Value:
- Valid Value:
We should always fill in
, if we want to wrap a data in memory that is not cell-centered.
I know this is a little bit inefficient, since we are creating a structure only for wrapping data. We will fix this.
/* libyt API */
yt_grid *grids_local;
yt_get_GridsPtr( &grids_local );
int index_local = 0;
for (int gid = 0; gid < param_yt.num_grids; gid = gid + 1){
if (grids_MPI[gid] == myrank) {
/* Fill in hierarchy. */
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d = d+1) {
grids_local[index_local].left_edge[d] = sim_grids[gid].left_edge[d];
grids_local[index_local].right_edge[d] = sim_grids[gid].right_edge[d];
grids_local[index_local].grid_dimensions[d] = sim_grids[gid].grid_dimensions[d];
grids_local[index_local].id = sim_grids[gid].id;
grids_local[index_local].parent_id = sim_grids[gid].parent_id;
grids_local[index_local].level = sim_grids[gid].level;
/* Fill in particle count. */
grids_local[index_local].par_count_list[0] = 1;
/* Fill in field data. */
for (int v = 0; v < param_yt.num_fields; v = v + 1){
grids_local[index_local].field_data[v].data_ptr = sim_grids[gid].field_data[v].data_ptr;
index_local = index_local + 1;