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Using yt for In Situ Python Analysis

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Use yt for In Situ Python Analysis under Parallel Computation

libyt directly borrows parallel computation feature in yt using mpi4py. You can also refer to Parallel Computation With yt.

We should always include the first three lines, then wrap the other statements inside Python functions, so that we can call these functions to conduct in situ analysis. (See Calling Python Functions.)

Because we now load data directly from libyt, we need to replace yt.load() to yt_libyt.libytDataset(). Everything else is the same.

For example, the function yt_inline plots a density projection plot.

# inline script
import yt_libyt                   # import libyt's yt frontend
import yt                         # import yt
yt.enable_parallelism()           # make yt work in parallelism feature

def yt_inline():
    ds = yt_libyt.libytDataset()  # <--> yt.load("Data")
    proj = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, "density")
    if yt.is_root():

Supported yt Functionalities

These are the functions we have tested. Basically, everything will work in Python under parallel computation using mpi4py.

yt Function Supported Notes
find_max V  
ProjectionPlot V  
OffAxisProjectionPlot V  
SlicePlot V  
OffAxisSlicePlot V  
covering_grid V  
1D create_profile V  
2D create_profile V  
ProfilePlot V  
PhasePlot V  
LinePlot V  
Halo Analysis   Not test yet.
Isocontours V  
volume_render V :warning: Need even MPI processes.
ParticlePlot V  
ParticleProjectionPlot V  
Annotations V :warning: Some1 require save() be outside of if yt.is_root()

Reading and accessing data is a collective operation, and it requires every MPI process to join. If only some of the processes participate in reading data during a yt function, then the program will hang, because some processes are blocked at data reading stage and waiting for other processes to join.

For example, volume_render, which has a restriction of working under even MPI processes only. And plots with annotations annotate_quiver, annotate_cquiver, annotate_velocity, annotate_line_integral_convolution, annotate_magnetic_field, and annotate_particles, need to access data when saving figure. Which means every MPI process should run save(), and we have to move save() outside of if yt.is_root().

:lizard: Since there is no way we can know what data to access and build up a communication graph for data exchange beforehand, when accessing simulation data, libyt requires every process to participate in this. We are working on this in both yt and libyt.

Distinguish libyt Fields and yt Fields

libyt Fields and yt Fields

  • libyt fields are fields loaded by libyt. They are fields defined inside yt_get_FieldsPtr and yt_get_ParticlesPtr. Specify <frontend_name> and use ("<frontend_name>", "<field_name>") to call libyt field.
  • yt fields are fields defined in field information class (class XXXFieldInfo) in a yt frontend and yt built-in derived fields. XXX is frontend name defined in frontend in yt_param_yt.

:information_source: We can use both libyt fields and yt fields in in situ analysis Python script. All of them are two-component tuple, specify the whole tuple when using it in Python script.

As a side note, we can use yt API to look up fields:

>>> ds = yt_libyt.libytDataset()
>>> ds.field_list          # prints a list of libyt fields and field information class in a frontend
>>> ds.derived_field_list  # prints a list of yt derived field

Naming and Field Information

libyt inherits field information (ex: units, name aliases) defined in yt frontend, and it can access yt built-in derived fields.

yt frontend (frontend set through yt_param_yt using yt_set_Parameters) has the highest priority, the next is fields/particles defined through yt_get_FieldsPtr/yt_get_ParticlesPtr, and finally yt built-in derived fields.

Which is:

  1. If field name "A" is both defined in yt_get_FieldsPtr/yt_get_ParticlesPtr and yt frontend, then yt uses the field information (ex: units, name alias) defined in yt frontend. (It also adds name alias defined through libyt API to this field information if there is.)
  2. If field name "B" is only defined in yt_get_FieldsPtr/yt_get_ParticlesPtr, then yt uses the information defined through libyt API.
  3. If field name "C" defined in yt_get_FieldsPtr/yt_get_ParticlesPtr overlapped with yt built-in derived field ("C" and yt derived field have the same name), then yt uses "C" defined through libyt API. Namely, it overwrites yt derived field.


Why Does my Program Hang and How Do I Solve It?

Though libyt can execute any Python module, when it comes to reading simulation data, it requires every MPI process to participate The program hanging problem is due to only some MPI processes are accessing the data, but not all of them.

Please do:

  1. Check if there is an if statements that makes MPI processes non-symmetric. For example, only root process runs the statement:
     def func():
         if yt.is_root():
             ...  # <-- This statement only executes in MPI root rank
  2. Move the statement out of if yt.is_root() (for the case here).

:lizard: When accessing simulation data, libyt requires every process to participate in this. We are working on this in both yt and libyt.

  1. annotate_quiver, annotate_cquiver, annotate_velocity, annotate_line_integral_convolution, annotate_magnetic_field, and annotate_particles